
19 Audio Reviews w/ Response

All 21 Reviews

This is absolutely amazing.

I don't know if you remember me, but I was there whenever you were just getting started. Back whenever you only had 30 second clips on here as demo's. I especially remember your loop Hole of Darkness which I asked if I could remix for you.

I just wanted to say, that you have grow so much as a musician since those days, and I am almost proud in a weird, old-internet-friend sort of way. Just wanted to let you know that you have improved 300%.

Keep it up bro,

DustDevil responds:

Of course I rember you :) haha Im glad to hear that you like my music :D

This is just amazing

You have definitely improved a great deal since you started posting on here, this is just amazing. I can't even bring words to describe it.

Good luck with future events,

DustDevil responds:

Thanx man! If u dont mind, check out my best song "The Land of The Forgotten" :D


I was expecting Metallica!!! :'(''''' not really but still, a techno metallica cover would rule! anyway, this song is definitely one of my favorites of yours! keep it up!

Good luck with future events,

DustDevil responds:

Thank you :D I have noticed that u havent submitted anything in a while, why? Thanx again for the review


LY AWESOME! lol Scared ya didn't I? totally 0-bombed this song btw... Why is lying so fun ;)

Good luck with future events,

lackofintelligence responds:


ungh unce ungh unce!

that above was an onomatopoeia of my beatboxing with my throat! It's just that good! this is honestly very groovy. I would totally dance right now if I was naked. It is always better to dance in the nude. Sorry if that was weird, I don't actually think that lol. XD

Good luck with future events,

lackofintelligence responds:

i like to dance nude =D...uhhh.... umm thanks for the review =D


Why haven't you posted sorry yet? He wrote this song just for you, and being your internet-buddy like I am, I am disappointed in you good sir. You should post a review above mine at least. When my best friend broke my window, by falling off of my bed and hitting it with his hind quarters I might add, I was upset, but we got over it quickly, and I still laugh about it to this day. He still owes me money to fix it btw... Rotten scoundrel ;)

Good luck with future events,

lackofintelligence responds:

oh gosh how i enjoy your reviews =D


I haven't been on in a while, so the last things I heard from you were your start out stuff, and it was decent, but this is just AMAZING! You have grown in your abilities extremely quickly! I know DustDevil taught you a bunch, and you have definitely become just as good if not better than him based solely off of this one piece! Simply epic!

Good luck with future events,

lackofintelligence responds:

thanx omg thanx!!


I don't really know much about the DnB genre, but I will say that this song is totally radical! I was born to play drums (yes, in real life not on a program... geez...) and I am always making beats with my hands on desks, books, my chest, my legs, and pretty much anywhere I can get away with it. My teachers always get very mad at me for drumming in class lol. The reason I am saying this is, I absolutely love the drums in this song! they totally rule! I know you didn't actually play them or anything, but you do have a good ear for rhythm, and that is very, VERY important for this type of music from what I have heard. Great work!

Good luck with future events,

DustDevil responds:

Thank you so much!! :D


for being new this is totally HARDCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


sorry about that.

make this longer.

p.s. drums are the most important part of techno, if you ask me that is, because techno is essentially a dance-rave music. If techno does not include RADICAL beats, it is not good to dance to, thus, it is not good techno, At least that's what I think. All I know is that the beat is what really counts for me. If I can't dance to it, it's just not my techno. Keep it up!!!

(p.s. CONGRATULATIONS on getting first page, at least if you click on techno in the genre look-up section. =D )

Good luck with future events,

lackofintelligence responds:

Haha thanx dude, check Make a wish 1 and Make a wish 2, DustDevil and i mixed our heads up =D


Ok not to be angry or anything, but even though this song is amazing, albeit short, (but you typically make shorter songs anyway and that is still my only problem with your work GRR!) but this song gets way more rep than even my best works! how do you do it man? what do you advertise them or something? I mean you and I both know that my songs deserve more credit! anyway, sorry about that little outburst, this song totally pwns by the way and by no means am I trying to steal its rep or anything, it deserves it!

Good luck with future events,

DustDevil responds:

No worries about the outburst, and seriously, I dont know why it gets so high score, I dont advertise them or anything, I know that ur songs deserves more credit man and im 5/5:ing them as much as I can so they can get up on the highest score list so u can get rep about ur work, :P Anyways thank u so much for the review :D

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